Stormcast Eternals - WIP

Despite the release of Nightvault this week I have actually managed to make some progress on my Soul Wars Stormcast and not spend all my free time having my warband smashed into oblivion. I've certainly learnt a lot with this set, mainly from my own mistakes. The decision to prime the models in Chaos Black was made with a very different colour scheme in mind. Upon changing my mind and going for a very light scheme I found that I needed to paint several thin layers of Palid Wych Flesh just to stop the black desaturating it too much.

This was also the case with the Fenrisan Grey used on the bulk of the robes and tabard. Fortunately because the model has lots of recesses the black assists with shadows and makes it easier to bring definition to the cloth materials. Despite that I would definitely choose a white prime next time or at the very least a lighter grey. I also somehow ended up now painting in a backwards order, applying the copper layers before the larger robed areas. This has lead to needing to touch up copper areas again, something I can avoid going forward. 

As you can see in the pictures I did go on to finish one of them to use as reference and begin the production line. I'm happy with the overall scheme and plan on basing with some snowy/winter aesthetics to compliment the pale blue scheme. I'll be sure to keep the progress updated here and continue to highlight my lessons learnt. I also have plans this week to unbox the newest Asset Drop box and give my thoughts on each of the items including this month as well as my plans to implement them into projects

Thanks for reading


  1. I am usually not the one to comment on posts... but just to let you now, someone is reading your articles and following your steps into this great Hobby. ����
